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What to Write in a Thank You Card -
Thank You Messages for Every Occasion!

One of the most important things we can do to show appreciation is to say thank you, yet we often forget this simple gesture. There are many situations where acknowledging another person can have so much meaning, but we must find the right way to express it.

What do you say beyond thank you when sending a note card or thank you card? How do you display gratitude that is personally representative of your character? And, is there any way to strengthen the bond between you and your recipient to form a healthier, more mutually beneficial, and assuredly long-term relationship?

The thank you messages and thank you card wording below are categorized by:

  • Thank You Notes for Receiving a Gift

    1. Thank You Cards for Birthdays, Holidays, and Special Occasions

    2. Thank You Messages for Wedding Gifts

    3. Business Gifts

  • Thank You Notes for Receiving Money

  1. Birthdays, Holidays, and Special Occasions

  2. Charities

  3. Businesses

  • Thank You for Coming

  • Thank You for Your Hospitality

  • Thanks for Helping Out

  • Thanks for Your Sympathy Cards

  • Business Thank You Cards

  1. Employees

  2. Customers

  3. Employers

  • Thank You Card Closings

Script and Slate Thank You Card

Featured Thank You card: Script and Slate Thank You Card

Thank You Note for Gift

The most obvious time to send thank you cards is after receiving a gift. Holidays, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, baby showers, a christening, first communion, Bat mitzvah, or quinceanera – if someone put forth the time, money, and effort to send a gift – you should send a thank you card.

And don’t forget those company or client gifts you may also receive. The rule of thumb is to send a thank you card if you receive a gift, but ensure that you include a personalized message to make it meaningful.

One of the best ways to extend a heartfelt thank you even further is to mention what your recipient sent and how you enjoy wearing it, using it, eating it, reading it, etc. Here are some suggestions:

  • Thank you so much for the lovely gift – it made my day. 

  • Thank you for my wonderful birthday gift! I can’t wait to use it (wear it, etc.).

  • Thank you for my present. It was so unexpected but certainly appreciated.

  • Thank you for my gift. It was just what I wanted!

  • The holidays are a time when we get to give as much as we receive. Thanking you for making me (us) feel appreciated.

  • Thank you for the present you sent. It made my day!

  • Thank you for your gift and card – it made my holiday (depending on what holiday you are celebrating, you can be more specific) brighter!

Wedding Thank You Cards

Send thank you wedding cards to your guests, thanking them for attending your special and for their thoughtful gifts and greetings. Include wedding thank you card wording and messages like:

  • Thank you for being there on our special day. Your kind words, heartfelt adoration, and lovely gift meant the world to both of us.

  • Thank you for attending our wedding and for the generous gift. We can’t wait to use our new (whatever the gift is). 

Business Gifts and Professional Thank You Cards

If you receive gifts in a professional setting from a company birthday party, anniversary party, or baby shower, for example, send business thank you cards. You may want to include a business thank you card message like:

  • It’s so nice to work with caring people like you – thank you for the heartfelt gift.

  • My (wife or husband) and I both loved the (whatever the gift is), and we know (name of baby) will too.

  • Thank you for making every workday special – and for the magnificent gift!

  • Thanks for my birthday surprise!

  • I’m so blessed to work with such wonderful people – thanks for everything.

  • You always know how to make me feel special. 

If your business received a gift from another company, include a thank you message like:

  • (Company) truly appreciates your generosity – thank you for thinking of us and the incredible gift basket.

  • Thank you for thinking of us. We loved the (whatever the gift is)! We will get so much use out of it.

  • On behalf of our entire organization, we wanted to say thank you for the (whatever the gift is). We truly value this relationship. 

If clients send gifts, make sure to send thank you business cards right away to maintain and grow the relationships. You can include your company logo, company pictures, and a discount or promotion on the custom thank you card. Thank you card ideas may include:

  • We are endlessly grateful that you reached out. Thank you for this generous gift. It is such a pleasure serving clients like you.

  • We are overwhelmed by your generosity. Thank you for thinking of us.

  • Your gift was so thoughtful. The entire team at (name of company) thanks you.

  • From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for the (whatever the gift is). We will treasure it always, as we do you. 

How to Write a Thank You Note for Money

Monetary gifts, whether for a charitable event, a birthday or holiday, or a business-related contribution, are the perfect times to express gratitude. These thank you card messages are all appropriate:

  • Thank you for the generous donation; it was much appreciated.

  • Thank you for this heartfelt gift. You are very considerate.

  • Thank you for the gift card to (wherever it was for). I can’t wait to use it.

  • I (We) so appreciate the thoughtful card and money. Hope to see you soon.

  • It means the world to know that I am in your thoughts. You have gone above and beyond with this truly amazing reward.

  • Your thoughtful contribution means more than you know. Thank you.

  • Thanks for thinking of me on my birthday; the card and money were perfect. I will use it to (whatever you are going to use it for). You truly shouldn’t have, but I’m glad you did.

Green Envy Thank You Card

Featured Thank You card: Green Envy Thank You Card

Thank You for Coming 

If you are glad someone made it to your party or event, send them a thank you card to show how much you appreciate them. Sometimes the best gift someone can bring is just themselves. Here are a few things you can say:

  • Thank you for coming to our party. It was so nice to see you. We were very glad you could make it.

  • It meant a lot that you came to my (whatever the event was). The dish you brought was superb.

  • We are so grateful you could make it to the (whatever the event was). The (whatever they brought) was much appreciated. Thanks again.

  • Our organization extends our sincerest thanks for your attendance at the (whatever the event was).

  • I was delighted you could make it to (holiday) this year. It was great spending time with you. Hope to see you again soon.

Thank You for Your Hospitality

Maybe a friend let you stay at their home while visiting from out of town, or you attended a party at your boss’s home. Each of these situations could use a message shown below on your card:

  • Thanks for having us at your beautiful home. The dinner was terrific, and the company was equally divine. We enjoyed our evening thoroughly.

  • My (wife, husband, partner) and I truly enjoyed our recent stay at your summer house. We created so many lasting memories. The view was incredible. Thank you so much.

  • Thank you for the BBQ invite! I had a blast!

  • Dear (relative or friend), It was great joining you for the weekend. Thanks so much for your hospitality. There’s always a place for you next time you’re in (name of your city). Hope to see you again real soon – we’ll have so much fun! 

Thanks for Helping Out

Did someone water your plants while you were out of town? Did you ask someone to pet sit? Did someone offer a helping hand during a difficult time? Did an employee go beyond their duties, pitching in and staying late to complete a tough project? When someone offers or provides assistance, especially when they don’t have to, it’s nice to send a thank you card. Here are some messages you could include:

  • Thank you for (whatever task they performed). It was a great help to me (us).

  • Thank you for watching (name of pet). He (she) can be quite a handful but really enjoys your company. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you.

  • Your assistance during this difficult time meant so much. Thank you.

  • I am eternally grateful for your endless support.

  • Thanks again for all your help. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Endless Appreciation Card

Featured Thank You card: Endless Appreciation Card

Thank You for Your Sympathy 

Another 'thanks for thinking of us card' to send is 'thanks for thinking of us during our time of sorrow.' This can also be singular, as in 'thanks for thinking of me during my time of sorrow.' If someone attends the funeral of a loved one, sends a sympathy card, offers kind words, or purchases some type of gift or flower arrangement for the service, a thank you for your sympathy card is appropriate. Here are some suggested messages:

  • We appreciate you being there during this difficult time. Thank you.

  • Thank you for your kind words and beautiful arrangement at (name of deceased's) service.

  • Thank you for the thoughtful card and condolences.

  • We appreciate all your help after (name of deceased's) passing. I know he (she) loved you very much, and we do too. Thank you.

  • Thanks for your heartfelt concern during my time of sorrow.

What to Say in a Business Thank You Card

For Your Employees:

Giving an employee appreciation card is a simple gesture, but it goes a long way. It shows that you are grateful for them and value their efforts, considering them an integral part of your business's success. Here are some messages you can include:

  • Thank you for all that you do.

  • Thank you for all your hard work.

  • Thank you for your continued commitment to this organization.

  • Thanks for all your effort this year.

  • We appreciate you.

  • Thanks for your dedicated service.

  • You truly go above and beyond!

  • A warm thanks for being such a great employee.

Definition Thank You Card

Featured Thank You card: Definition Thank You Card

For Your Customers:

Businesses should use business-appropriate cards to establish, maintain, and cultivate customer relationships. Include a thank you for your order card when shipping a customer your goods, send a thank you card for their continued business, and opt to send thank you for your referral cards when customers recommend you to a friend or family member. Customers are sure to appreciate the gesture, and they will show their gratitude with loyalty. Here are some things you can say in a thank you card ito customers:

  • Thank you for your business.

  • Thank you for your order.

  • Thanks for the referral.

  • We appreciate customers like you.

  • Thank you for your continued commitment to our organization.

  • Thank you for being such a large part of our valued tradition.

  • Thank you for your continued loyalty to our brand.

  • A warm thanks for being such a great customer.

  • Throughout the year, our appreciation for your business is unwavering.

Thank You Card after a Meeting

After any important business meeting, sending a thank you card is a good idea. Here are a few suggestions on what to write inside your thank you card:

  • Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend the meeting. I feel like much was accomplished. Looking forward to the next one.

  • Our entire company appreciates your attendance at the annual (name of event). Thank you for coming.

  • Your team’s thoughtful suggestions during our bimonthly meeting were well-received. Thank you to your entire organization.

  • Thank you for hosting such an informative and helpful meeting.

Thank You Card Closings

Finally, you should close your thank you card with a simple, short message like:

  • Sincerest thanks,

  • Best regards,

  • With gratitude, 

  • Sincerely,

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